The games range from many different types of themes. If you like guns and violence there are a large vary of games to choose from such as, Black Ops 2, the Assassin's Creed series, the Elder Scrolls series, and many more that may interest you. There is also the possibility of suspenseful games that can scare you, learning games, and games that can help you stay in shape.Weather or not you don't like one there is likely to be one that you will find and enjoy.
Some people on the other hand think that games are bad for kids because the become sheltered and anti social. I disagree with this statement because I think that games do not do this people become anti social because they just are or something in there life has happened to were they become that way. Also another common thing people say about games is that they make kids violent, this is true in a little way such as they may tend to get angry at the game because they cannot do something, but it is also a way to safely vent your anger without hurting any real person or thing. Studies have also shown that people who play video games tend to have better hand-to-eye coordination than others. There is also the statement that they help problem solving because of all the problems that have to be solved in order to complete the game. I personally think video games are entertaining and do help with problem solving and being bored.
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