There are drugs though that are ok to use. Those drugs are marijuana, perscription, and alcohol. These I think are ok to use because most people use them anyways, the only problem is they take it out of proportion. Only use perscription drugs if you need them. For marijuana, try and wait cause there is likely not much for you to be stressed for, I had a lot more stress than you and I didn't, and also only use it when you need it don't go over board. Now for alcohol, eventually its bound to happen, just don't get into trouble and if you can it is probably better if you wait till your the right age. Don't get into drugs if you can, its for the best but if you do fail and get involved with drugs just don't get involved in the bad ones, even then though don't let me catch you.
Monday, December 2, 2013
If I had a child old enough to be exposed to drugs I would tell them that many people are saying that all drugs are bad. This is wrong, there are many drugs that help people. Either way certain drugs shouldn't be used. Some like heroin, meth, and other drugs like that should be used, and if you use them and I find out, lots of bad stuff will happen. These types of drugs can ruin your life.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Art to me can be many things. It can express the mood of how the person is feeling at the time of its creation, it can show the beauty of things, and can just be for fun, to try and make something you like. One thing that I consider art if graphic designs. The reason I do is because, for games they make things that can be amazing and you can move those things, it doesn't even have to be real.
When video games were first being made they were all not very detailed and didn't really have much of an impact. Now though, it is possible to make things look almost real even if they are not real things that exist or make things possible that could not happen in real life. They can make you do so many things and the graphics of them now are amazing. graphical design is art and one of my favorite kinds of art.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
I would choose the $100 in a year because its more money.
I do have long term plans for my life but not fully planned out. For what I have though is that I would like to move in with one of my friends back in Arizona. The reason being is because I am more sociable around my friend(Samuel). The reason this is good is because if I am more sociable I can speak easier and can actually be more likely to get a job and more friends and that way I can live more, not just be silent and never have "fun". I would also for long term like to be a graphical designs, there is a lot I would like to do but it all depends on others not just me if I want to accomplish what I want to do in my life .
I do have long term plans for my life but not fully planned out. For what I have though is that I would like to move in with one of my friends back in Arizona. The reason being is because I am more sociable around my friend(Samuel). The reason this is good is because if I am more sociable I can speak easier and can actually be more likely to get a job and more friends and that way I can live more, not just be silent and never have "fun". I would also for long term like to be a graphical designs, there is a lot I would like to do but it all depends on others not just me if I want to accomplish what I want to do in my life .
Monday, November 18, 2013
Stranded Part 2
I would buy the following: 72 hour survival backpack $49.95, two bottles of water purification tablets $11.09, Combat Axe $26.49, Permanent strike match lighter $1.00, Cast Iron Skillet $9.00, Spatula $4.00, Sleeping Bag $23.52, Fishing Net $8.95, Knife $2.00, 4 bottled water 24 packs $13.92, 10 bags dried snacks $18.09, Plate $4.95, Fork $2.00, 3 eggs and bacon dehydrated food packs $11.76, Other small Survival/Food Stuff $18.28
My Conversation with Mckayla Reynolds
The person I would choose to talk to out of everyone would be Mckayla Reynolds. Makayla is one of my "friends" in Arizona. The reason I have chosen Mckayla is because I have a lot that I want to say to her...face to face, some of them might not be so nice but clearly messages aren't doing anything. It is a lot easier to talk face to face and it gets what your trying to say seem more blunt and shows how you really feel other than just typing a message, cause then they could just not type back or any of that, or they could type back and try to change the subject. Also I wouldn't have to waste my time typing just to not be clearly understood.
The things I would talk about are... there are a lot of things as I said before. The main thing though, or the gist of it is I would ask why she did certain things that ended up having not so positive effects on me. I would also ask other things like why she would move to Washington. Also another things would be if all worked out whats going to happen now other than what was happening before. But this is all just a blog that no one else needs to read.
The things I would talk about are... there are a lot of things as I said before. The main thing though, or the gist of it is I would ask why she did certain things that ended up having not so positive effects on me. I would also ask other things like why she would move to Washington. Also another things would be if all worked out whats going to happen now other than what was happening before. But this is all just a blog that no one else needs to read.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
My Purpose
What is my Purpose in Life?
#1). Nothing Important
#2). To make a Certain Person Happy
#3). To be Successful
These are three things, with number one being the most likely, and what I mean by that is not that I do not have a purpose but that it really doesn't matter because it is so little. So by that I mean everyone does have a purpose weather it be being famous or never being know at all and just living to live and then die, and when you do know one will have ever know you existed to begin with. There is more to explain than just this but it takes to long and it isn't easy for people to understand.
The second one isn't very likely and I do not mean just to make anyone happy, it has to be very specific, so no it can't just be to make my family happy or me happy thats not what I mean but there isn't a point in going and explaining this.
The third one "to be successful" of course means to have a good job and have all the "things" I want. This one I consider to be very little good also. The reason I believe this is because if you have no one to live for except yourself and your "family" it is pointless. Well a the very least it is to me. Why would you want to live for just yourself eventually your going to do all you can and have all the material possessions you can want if you actually try, it will get boring, but if you have someone to live for then you can spend the rest of your life trying to make them happy, thats what I want, I want to live for someone not just for myself or my family, and I want them to live for me, or at very least not mess with me. I believe this because this is what I would want my purpose to be if it was possible.
So as far as my purpose, it is likely nothing important, being successful is included as that, so is becoming famous and all that other stuff that people try so hard to do. I don't care how many times people say there is still "this" and your only "this". All this is just proof that it is meaningless without someone to live for. So my purpose is to live then die, this is the basics of the purpose of everyone's life.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Three different things that I would bring if I was stranded on an island would be a fishing pole, a lighter and an axe. I would bring the fishing pole because if the island is deserted, that could mean that there are no animals either, which would mean no matter if I liked fish or not I may have to eat fish. I would bring the lighter because I would have to eventually start a fire to cook, and the lighter will be just incase I cannot start a fire on my own. I would bring the axe because I would need wood, and also that it is a good way to help get certain things that I may need that can be provided by the island.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Free Choice
So I will be talking about my friend Samuel. Samuel is a husky red headed guy from Texas. Before he was born his father left and he has been living with his mother since then. Eventually his mother and him moved in with his uncle(who shares the same birthday as me). A couple years later when my mom and step dad got into a fight I was sent to Arizona to live with my dad...again, only this time he was with my now step mother Tamara, who I don't really like to say the least. After awhile there though my brother and I were forced to goto church. Thats where I met Samuel, and thats also about the only thing I really have to thank Tamara for.
Sam was One of those kids who sat away from everyone like a loner only he hated just about everyone and was on the verge of knocking someone out. When I was introduced to him we got along pretty well and became friends. After that Sam began to come out of his shell a little more and began to talk to people at our school who then I became friends with. Eventually I moved back to California and left him out there. So he began to not really like me. Again though I moved out to Arizona, and then again back to California. This time I went to visit him and I stayed at his house for about two weeks. During that time a lot of things happened in witch gave him some reasons to hate me even more. But even though he hated me we still talked.
A couple months later we began talking more because of some things I was going through. Then Sam was having issues with someone named Nikki. Things weren't working for him and a bunch of stuff was happening. Eventually he stopped talking to her and then about two days later they resolved their problems and are now "together" which I am happy for Sam because I kept saying he needs someone in his life that will make him happy because he is a pretty angry guy, now though he is much happier than I have ever pretended to be. Samuel is an awesome guy and my best friend even though he lives in Arizona. We still talk and he tries to help me with my problems that I am having now. There is a lot of other things I could say other than how we met and whats been happening recently like he has the same middle name as me, him and his mother moved out of his uncle's house, or he is on his school's football team. There is a lot of others too, but I could continue typing for a long time, all I know though is that he gives me hope again for people, even if it isn't that much and I am beginning to lose it, he still does because if he can completely change from that silent guy who is always angry then other people can't be that bad, or I'm not as bad as I think I am, but then again I have been wrong before.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Monday's Red Ribbon Week (Smoking)
#10). Peer Pressure
#9). Social Rewards
#8). Risk-Taking Behavior
#7). Parental Influence
#6). Misinformation
#5). Genetic Predisposition
#4). Advertising
#3). Self-Medication
#2). Media Influences
#1). Stress Relief
I think that smoking cigarettes is bad. They cause lungs cancer, and can have other terrible effects. Thousands have even died over it. Personally I think people do have the right to choose what they want to do with their lives even if it means to just throw it away like that. But it would become different if it was someone I actually cared for. I still would say they have the right to choose But I wouldn't stop trying to convince them to stop if they were on the edge of losing their lives. Luckily there aren't many, if not any.
While I think people can choose I don't like the idea of someone losing their "loved" ones. I think cigarettes shouldn't be used, but people will find a way to get them or replace them with a worse drug like heroin. While cigarettes can kill you, drugs like heroin can completely destroy yours and others lives and then kill you. Still though I am not for cigarettes and I don't think people should smoke them, but they have the right to if they want, it is their life that they are deciding to waste.
#9). Social Rewards
#8). Risk-Taking Behavior
#7). Parental Influence
#6). Misinformation
#5). Genetic Predisposition
#4). Advertising
#3). Self-Medication
#2). Media Influences
#1). Stress Relief
I think that smoking cigarettes is bad. They cause lungs cancer, and can have other terrible effects. Thousands have even died over it. Personally I think people do have the right to choose what they want to do with their lives even if it means to just throw it away like that. But it would become different if it was someone I actually cared for. I still would say they have the right to choose But I wouldn't stop trying to convince them to stop if they were on the edge of losing their lives. Luckily there aren't many, if not any.
While I think people can choose I don't like the idea of someone losing their "loved" ones. I think cigarettes shouldn't be used, but people will find a way to get them or replace them with a worse drug like heroin. While cigarettes can kill you, drugs like heroin can completely destroy yours and others lives and then kill you. Still though I am not for cigarettes and I don't think people should smoke them, but they have the right to if they want, it is their life that they are deciding to waste.
I think that it is sad that these people are doing drugs and overdosing. These people don't know how badly they have hurt others and what they have lost by doing these drugs and losing their lives. Why did all of these people decide to use heroin and other dugs is not really know, most probably tried it once for fun and got addicted. It is very sad that they got addicted, but doing the drug for fun was just...not the brightest idea.
I would understand a little more if they truly had no meaning in life and just wanted to forget their pains and sorrows, but the fact is most of them were not, they were just doing the drug to get high for the fun of it and got addicted. Even if though they are doing this drug to forget pain it is still not a good idea because then it will put you in even more pain in the end because you will end up getting addicted and lose any hope you had for life if there was any left and only hope that you can get the drug again because that then becomes your life. These unfortunate people that have become addicted need help before they too die like these people in this article
I would understand a little more if they truly had no meaning in life and just wanted to forget their pains and sorrows, but the fact is most of them were not, they were just doing the drug to get high for the fun of it and got addicted. Even if though they are doing this drug to forget pain it is still not a good idea because then it will put you in even more pain in the end because you will end up getting addicted and lose any hope you had for life if there was any left and only hope that you can get the drug again because that then becomes your life. These unfortunate people that have become addicted need help before they too die like these people in this article
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
For or Against
Personally I don't care about marijuana problems, like if it is legal or illegal because no matter what people are still going to use it, they do now. This means that if it is completely outlawed to use people will still find out how to get it and they will use it no matter what anyone does to try and stop it. People do this with drugs that are worse, so expecting people to listen to a law that says you can't posses or use marijuana will not accomplish anything at all.
I am fine if marijuana is made completely legal because people sometimes do need to use it, weather it be a health condition or to settle down from something bad that has happened. The only problem I have is when people start to use it to much and then they can't do anything on there own because they are to lazy and just want to smoke all the time and then they do just that and have you do what they should be doing like watching their child. Those people should not be allowed to have marijuana. Others though can, but even if those certain people that are like that aren't allowed to have it they will still find a way to get it sadly. So to me they should jus make the plant legal to posses and use.
However there should be an age that set for being able to use this. Making it illegal wouldn't solve anything, in fact it would probably make things worse because people will still try and get it but just more if it is completely banned. If this happens then there will be just more of a waste of police and government time that could be used to actually do something productive, such as going after the worse drugs that exist they may not get far with that either but more people will be on their side for that so they can help themselves or loved ones. I think marijuana should be legal and that all the nonsense with people trying to ban the drug to stop.
I am fine if marijuana is made completely legal because people sometimes do need to use it, weather it be a health condition or to settle down from something bad that has happened. The only problem I have is when people start to use it to much and then they can't do anything on there own because they are to lazy and just want to smoke all the time and then they do just that and have you do what they should be doing like watching their child. Those people should not be allowed to have marijuana. Others though can, but even if those certain people that are like that aren't allowed to have it they will still find a way to get it sadly. So to me they should jus make the plant legal to posses and use.
However there should be an age that set for being able to use this. Making it illegal wouldn't solve anything, in fact it would probably make things worse because people will still try and get it but just more if it is completely banned. If this happens then there will be just more of a waste of police and government time that could be used to actually do something productive, such as going after the worse drugs that exist they may not get far with that either but more people will be on their side for that so they can help themselves or loved ones. I think marijuana should be legal and that all the nonsense with people trying to ban the drug to stop.
Prescription Drugs
#1). In 2012, 57 percent of overdose deaths were caused by prescription drugs.
#2). In 1999 there were 37 percent of overdose deaths involving prescription drugs.
#3). There were a total of about 188 overdose incidents in Orange County in 2012.
#4). Oxycontin, Opana, Codeine and Vicodin are the 4 prescription drugs that are being increasingly bought, sold, and used.
#5). Natalie Costa was the executive producer of "Behind the Orange Curtain"
#6). Heroin is the street drug they switch to.
#7). I knew someone who was addicted to drugs, when I was little I had a friend named Gabriel, his mother was my mothers best friend for awhile, she died at the beginning of this year from an overdose.
#8). I am personally fine with drugs as long as no one gets addicted and starts to mess up theirs an any other person's life.
#2). In 1999 there were 37 percent of overdose deaths involving prescription drugs.
#3). There were a total of about 188 overdose incidents in Orange County in 2012.
#4). Oxycontin, Opana, Codeine and Vicodin are the 4 prescription drugs that are being increasingly bought, sold, and used.
#5). Natalie Costa was the executive producer of "Behind the Orange Curtain"
#6). Heroin is the street drug they switch to.
#7). I knew someone who was addicted to drugs, when I was little I had a friend named Gabriel, his mother was my mothers best friend for awhile, she died at the beginning of this year from an overdose.
#8). I am personally fine with drugs as long as no one gets addicted and starts to mess up theirs an any other person's life.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Friday Brain Day
#1). you would have to weigh the doughnuts twice all eight times to get the heavier one the next weighing.
#2). 1 out of 12 or 143 out of 144
#5). 49 games
#2). 1 out of 12 or 143 out of 144
#5). 49 games
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Friday, October 11, 2013
Thursday, October 10, 2013
More Brain Busting
1 gallon- Fill the 9 gallon bucket. Pour 4 gallons into the 4 gallon bucket and pour it out. You now have 5 gallons in the 9 gallon bucket. Pour 4 gallons into the 4 gallon bucket and pour it out. You now have 1 gallon in the 9 gallon bucket.
2 gallon- Fill the 4 gallon bucket and pour it into the 9 gallon bucket and then do this two more time, you will then have 3 gallons in the 4 gallon bucket, empty the 9 gallon bucket, and pour the 3 gallons into it then fill up the 4 gallon and dump it into the 9 gallon bucket there will then be 7 gallons in the 9 gallon bucket, fill the 4 gallon bucket again and dump it into the nine gallon bucket there will then be 2 gallons in the four gallon bucket.
3 gallon- Fill the 4 gallon bucket then pour it into the 9 gallon bucket do that again and you will have 8 gallons in the nine gallon bucket, fill the 4 gallon bucket one more time and dump the water into the 9 gallon bucket till the 9 gallon bucket is full, there will then be 3 gallons in the 4 gallon bucket.
4 gallon- Fill four gallon bucket up.
5 gallon- Fill 9 gallon bucket pour into 4 gallon bucket , you now have 5 gallons in the 9 gallon bucket.
6 gallon- do the steps to get 2 gallons in the 4 gallon bucket then empty the 9 gallon bucket and pour the 2 gallons into the 9 gallon bucket, then fill the 4 gallon bucket again and pour it into the 9 gallon bucket, then you will have 6 gallons.
7 gallon- Fill the 4 gallon bucket then pour it into the 9 gallon bucket do that again and you will have 8 gallons in the nine gallon bucket, fill the 4 gallon bucket one more time and dump the water into the 9 gallon bucket till the 9 gallon bucket is full, there will then be 3 gallons in the 4 gallon bucket. Then fill up the 4 gallon bucket and you will then have 7 gallons.
8 gallon- Fill 4 gallon bucket and pour into the 9 gallon bucket then fill the 4 gallon bucket again and pour it into the 9 gallon bucket, then you have 8 gallons in the 9 gallon bucket.
9 gallon- Fill 9 gallon bucket.
10 gallon- Fill 9 gallon bucket pour into 4 gallon, dump out, fill 4 gallon again, dump out again, then dump the 1 gallon from the 9 gallon bucket into the 4 gallon bucket and then fill the 9 gallon bucket and you have 10 gallons.
11 gallon- Fill the 4 gallon bucket then dump it into the 9 gallon bucket do it 3 more time and you will have 3 gallons in the four gallon bucket then empty the 9 gallon bucket and pour the 3 gallons into the 9 gallon bucket, then fill the 4 gallon and dump it into the 9 gallon bucket, there then will be 7 gallons in the 9 gallon bucket, fill the 4 gallon bucket one more time and you have 11 gallons.
12 gallon- Fill 4 gallon bucket and pour it into the 9 gallon bucket and then do it again, you now have 8 gallons in the 9 gallon bucket, then you will fill the 4 gallon bucket, and now you have 12 gallons.
13 gallon- Fill both the 9 and 4 gallon bucket.
2 gallon- Fill the 4 gallon bucket and pour it into the 9 gallon bucket and then do this two more time, you will then have 3 gallons in the 4 gallon bucket, empty the 9 gallon bucket, and pour the 3 gallons into it then fill up the 4 gallon and dump it into the 9 gallon bucket there will then be 7 gallons in the 9 gallon bucket, fill the 4 gallon bucket again and dump it into the nine gallon bucket there will then be 2 gallons in the four gallon bucket.
3 gallon- Fill the 4 gallon bucket then pour it into the 9 gallon bucket do that again and you will have 8 gallons in the nine gallon bucket, fill the 4 gallon bucket one more time and dump the water into the 9 gallon bucket till the 9 gallon bucket is full, there will then be 3 gallons in the 4 gallon bucket.
4 gallon- Fill four gallon bucket up.
5 gallon- Fill 9 gallon bucket pour into 4 gallon bucket , you now have 5 gallons in the 9 gallon bucket.
6 gallon- do the steps to get 2 gallons in the 4 gallon bucket then empty the 9 gallon bucket and pour the 2 gallons into the 9 gallon bucket, then fill the 4 gallon bucket again and pour it into the 9 gallon bucket, then you will have 6 gallons.
7 gallon- Fill the 4 gallon bucket then pour it into the 9 gallon bucket do that again and you will have 8 gallons in the nine gallon bucket, fill the 4 gallon bucket one more time and dump the water into the 9 gallon bucket till the 9 gallon bucket is full, there will then be 3 gallons in the 4 gallon bucket. Then fill up the 4 gallon bucket and you will then have 7 gallons.
8 gallon- Fill 4 gallon bucket and pour into the 9 gallon bucket then fill the 4 gallon bucket again and pour it into the 9 gallon bucket, then you have 8 gallons in the 9 gallon bucket.
9 gallon- Fill 9 gallon bucket.
10 gallon- Fill 9 gallon bucket pour into 4 gallon, dump out, fill 4 gallon again, dump out again, then dump the 1 gallon from the 9 gallon bucket into the 4 gallon bucket and then fill the 9 gallon bucket and you have 10 gallons.
11 gallon- Fill the 4 gallon bucket then dump it into the 9 gallon bucket do it 3 more time and you will have 3 gallons in the four gallon bucket then empty the 9 gallon bucket and pour the 3 gallons into the 9 gallon bucket, then fill the 4 gallon and dump it into the 9 gallon bucket, there then will be 7 gallons in the 9 gallon bucket, fill the 4 gallon bucket one more time and you have 11 gallons.
12 gallon- Fill 4 gallon bucket and pour it into the 9 gallon bucket and then do it again, you now have 8 gallons in the 9 gallon bucket, then you will fill the 4 gallon bucket, and now you have 12 gallons.
13 gallon- Fill both the 9 and 4 gallon bucket.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
My Super Brain
1). 99 pennies.
2). Take the boxes and dump them in the same box then label it apples and oranges.
3). Get different jugs.
4). Mary.
5). Take them all.
6). 30 days.
7). What ever you want,then go out the door you came through.
2). Take the boxes and dump them in the same box then label it apples and oranges.
3). Get different jugs.
4). Mary.
5). Take them all.
6). 30 days.
7). What ever you want,then go out the door you came through.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
One of my Favorite Hobbies
There are lots of hobbies in the world more than people actually realize. It doesn't matter who you are you can have a hobby. From outside activities and inside activities. People can play football for a hobby or collect rocks and many other things.
One of my favorite hobbies is playing games because it is fun. Video games can challenge your brain, and increase your hand to eye coordination. Plus there are so many games in the world that you won't ever run out. Some of them you can do what ever you please at any time and others you are challenged by time, enemies, or other things.
Some of the games that I personally consider fun to play are Black Ops 2(mainly the zombies portion), Assassin's Creed series, and many more. Out of all the games in the world there will likely be a game that you will like. This is one of my favorite activities because I like to control things that can't normally happen in real life and do things that aren't really possible, it is also a good way to just relax after a bad day or playing online with friends if you can't go over to their houses because their parents don't like you or for any other reason. Either way this hobby is one that I consider to be pretty fun, and is nice to help when you want to forget your anger or any other things like depression.
One of my favorite hobbies is playing games because it is fun. Video games can challenge your brain, and increase your hand to eye coordination. Plus there are so many games in the world that you won't ever run out. Some of them you can do what ever you please at any time and others you are challenged by time, enemies, or other things.
Some of the games that I personally consider fun to play are Black Ops 2(mainly the zombies portion), Assassin's Creed series, and many more. Out of all the games in the world there will likely be a game that you will like. This is one of my favorite activities because I like to control things that can't normally happen in real life and do things that aren't really possible, it is also a good way to just relax after a bad day or playing online with friends if you can't go over to their houses because their parents don't like you or for any other reason. Either way this hobby is one that I consider to be pretty fun, and is nice to help when you want to forget your anger or any other things like depression.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
My Favorite Movie
There are lots of movies in the world and many people have a favorite. Others do not because it is too hard to choose between so many movies. I personally do not have a favorite one movie myself. I like many movies that I have seen and a lot that I do not like, but out of the ones I did like I cannot choose a favorite.However I can choose a movie that I like out of the amount I have seen.
The movie that first comes to mind is Step Brothers. The reason I like this movie is because of all the funny situations that occur during the film. Another is because of the actors that they chose to play in the movie. Like many other movies Step Brothers is a comedy.
Step Brothers is about two grown men who live with their parents still, and their mother and father get married. The two must live together in the same house and room even though they dislike each other. Eventually though they do become friends. The two main characters are played by Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly. Step Brothers is very funny and is a great movie to watch, but is an adult comedy.
The movie that first comes to mind is Step Brothers. The reason I like this movie is because of all the funny situations that occur during the film. Another is because of the actors that they chose to play in the movie. Like many other movies Step Brothers is a comedy.
Step Brothers is about two grown men who live with their parents still, and their mother and father get married. The two must live together in the same house and room even though they dislike each other. Eventually though they do become friends. The two main characters are played by Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly. Step Brothers is very funny and is a great movie to watch, but is an adult comedy.
Friday, September 27, 2013
GMOs are genetically modified organisms. GMOs can be plants or animals and are created by taking DNA from other organisms to make modified ones. Monsanto is one company that makes GMOs, many people consider Monsanto an evil corporation.
I think that this is a very strange and risky thing to do. The reason for this is because from the tests that have been preformed showed cancer tumors in rats. So we still don't fully understand the pros and cons of this process for genetically modifying plants and animals.
I think that this is a very strange and risky thing to do. The reason for this is because from the tests that have been preformed showed cancer tumors in rats. So we still don't fully understand the pros and cons of this process for genetically modifying plants and animals.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Free Choice
Video games, thousands of people play them for hours on end. Why do they play them? because they can do whatever they want when ever they want. Certain games let you do things that you couldn't normally do in real life, and people find this entertaining. When you play you depending on the game you get you could be the hero or the villain, and get and do things that are supernatural or perhaps illegal without consequence in real life.

The games range from many different types of themes. If you like guns and violence there are a large vary of games to choose from such as, Black Ops 2, the Assassin's Creed series, the Elder Scrolls series, and many more that may interest you. There is also the possibility of suspenseful games that can scare you, learning games, and games that can help you stay in shape.Weather or not you don't like one there is likely to be one that you will find and enjoy.
Some people on the other hand think that games are bad for kids because the become sheltered and anti social. I disagree with this statement because I think that games do not do this people become anti social because they just are or something in there life has happened to were they become that way. Also another common thing people say about games is that they make kids violent, this is true in a little way such as they may tend to get angry at the game because they cannot do something, but it is also a way to safely vent your anger without hurting any real person or thing. Studies have also shown that people who play video games tend to have better hand-to-eye coordination than others. There is also the statement that they help problem solving because of all the problems that have to be solved in order to complete the game. I personally think video games are entertaining and do help with problem solving and being bored.
The games range from many different types of themes. If you like guns and violence there are a large vary of games to choose from such as, Black Ops 2, the Assassin's Creed series, the Elder Scrolls series, and many more that may interest you. There is also the possibility of suspenseful games that can scare you, learning games, and games that can help you stay in shape.Weather or not you don't like one there is likely to be one that you will find and enjoy.
Some people on the other hand think that games are bad for kids because the become sheltered and anti social. I disagree with this statement because I think that games do not do this people become anti social because they just are or something in there life has happened to were they become that way. Also another common thing people say about games is that they make kids violent, this is true in a little way such as they may tend to get angry at the game because they cannot do something, but it is also a way to safely vent your anger without hurting any real person or thing. Studies have also shown that people who play video games tend to have better hand-to-eye coordination than others. There is also the statement that they help problem solving because of all the problems that have to be solved in order to complete the game. I personally think video games are entertaining and do help with problem solving and being bored.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Being Charitable
The charity that I have chosen is the "Abandoned Children's Fund". This charity helps the children all over the world that have been abandoned by their parents/caretakers. The charity has been awarded the ICA seal of excellence.
The reason that I have chosen this charity is because I think it is wrong to just abandon children, especially the ones that aren't old enough to take care of them selfs. They have been left to die because someone was cruel enough to leave them for what ever reason they may have had. Most of these children because they have been abandoned are easily taken advantage of and are victims of starvation, death, diseases, sexual abuse, and abduction.
These children need the help of us to protect them and make sure nothing bad like these thing happen to them ever/ever again. Without our help these children will die. So I would like to donate to this charity to help all the abandon children in the world.
The reason that I have chosen this charity is because I think it is wrong to just abandon children, especially the ones that aren't old enough to take care of them selfs. They have been left to die because someone was cruel enough to leave them for what ever reason they may have had. Most of these children because they have been abandoned are easily taken advantage of and are victims of starvation, death, diseases, sexual abuse, and abduction.
These children need the help of us to protect them and make sure nothing bad like these thing happen to them ever/ever again. Without our help these children will die. So I would like to donate to this charity to help all the abandon children in the world.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
My Expertise
I have very little to no expertise, but one thing I know I am good at is not speaking/being quiet at school. This has been something I have done for many many years, I have hoped to break it but have not been even close to successful. For the future though I want to be an expert in graphical designs and not as quiet . I have also hoped to do this for a while.
Being quiet/not speaking is actually not as hard as some people make it, some have games to see who can be quiet the longest and some think it is difficult, it really isn't. First off you just have to not anyone, at least not unless you really have to which surprisingly is not that often. Next just focus on something that doesn't concern anyone but you. After a while you will start to think about stuff like this more often and you will focus only on that until you have to do school work and then after you can go right back to your own thoughts.
Eventually you will get bored of it, but there are some advantages to it, your grades will get better, you will have a better understanding of yourself, and others. Unfortunately there are disadvantages such as, you may not have many if not any friends, you may start speaking to yourself, not in reminding yourself of something or just randomly it will happen a lot and in full conversations. But for some it is really hard to do others it comes naturally were they can do that in school and go back to being social, and others will just stay antisocial and quiet unless there around family. As I said I don't have expertise in anything much just being silent.
Eventually you will get bored of it, but there are some advantages to it, your grades will get better, you will have a better understanding of yourself, and others. Unfortunately there are disadvantages such as, you may not have many if not any friends, you may start speaking to yourself, not in reminding yourself of something or just randomly it will happen a lot and in full conversations. But for some it is really hard to do others it comes naturally were they can do that in school and go back to being social, and others will just stay antisocial and quiet unless there around family. As I said I don't have expertise in anything much just being silent.
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